20 Questions to Ask When Creating a Buyer Persona

By August 24, 2018Marketing

In 2016, according to Boardview, 71% of companies who exceeded their revenue goals reported having used documented buyer personas. Companies that create and maintain a detailed buyer persona are over twice as likely to exceed lead goals than those who don’t.

What is a buyer persona?

A buyer persona is a representation of your ideal customer that is based on market research and real data about your existing customers. It is a semi-fictional resume that includes demographics, behavior patterns, motivations, fears, goals, interests and more. The more you understand about your ideal client, the easier it will be to engage them and ultimately convert them.

What is it used for?

The most beneficial uses of your buyer personas are:

• Determine where to place ads
• Use data to create customized products
• Tailor your content to generate higher leads
• Optimize your brand touchpoints
• Find other companies to collaborate with to expand your reach
• Integrate your customer journey map to increase conversion


Building Your Buyer Persona


When you start to consider creating your buyer persona there are many key points that you’ll need to explore with your marketing team. Make sure that your ideal client profile is aligned with your business and marketing goals before you build your persona. Furthermore, evaluate your ideal client profile to be sure that your information and data is up-to-date and accurate. For example, if the last time you adjusted your ideal client profile was 5 years ago, think about what could have changed for those specific buyers in that time. Are their problems the same? Are their needs the same? Once you update your ideal client profile it’s time to build your persona. It will take time to research and collect data about exactly who you are trying to reach, and you may not know every answer right away. But if you know which questions to ask you’ll be well on your way to higher leads, increased conversion, and happier customers.


20 Questions to Start Creating Your Buyer Persona


1. How old is this person?
2. What is the educational background of this person?
3. In what industry does this person work?
4. Does this person work with a team?
5. What is the specific role of this person?
6. What kind of hours do they work?
7. How does this person feel about their role?
8. What kind of responsibilities does this person have at work?
9. How does this person feel about their responsibilities?
10. What problems do they face and how do you solve it?


1. What does this person do in their free time?
2. What kind of hobbies does this person have?
3. What are their biggest challenges?
4. What are their greatest strengths?
5. What kind of community might this person belong to?
6. What kind of social network would this person prefer?
7. Are there any online groups this person would enjoy?
8. What kind of things does this person value?
9. What fears does this person have?
10. What inspires this person?


Remember, the more detailed you are and the more questions you ask, the more you will understand what your customer needs.

About Samantha Draeger

Samantha is rocking the role of Communications Specialist at Candorem. She is an entrepreneur who's currently engaging in a love affair with digital marketing and a not-so-secret passion for digital media. She also has an obsession with coffee, her dog Luna, and the band Hanson. She's pretty disappointed with the ending of Game of Thrones but she loves The Office.